A Special Blog Post

Today is the Opening Night of Western Canada Theatre's production of Les Mis. I decided to write blog entry about my love for this show and what it means to me to be involved. Enjoy!


My Dream,

I was maybe around 11 or 12, and I was with my Mom & Dad in Vancouver for my Dad’s work convention. I was all dressed up and being put in a cab with the older son of one of my Dad’s coworkers, and we were going to see Les Miserables at, what I now know was, the Queen E theatre. I didn’t know what to expect, as I was not familiar with the show, I just knew I loved musicals and “they” said this was one of THE BEST. From the moment the lights went down and the overture started, I was transfixed. I laughed, I wept, I felt emotions that I had never experienced. That was it for me….I became addicted to Les Mis.

While other girls fell in love with boy bands and movie stars, I was covering my bedroom walls with Les Mis posters. While my other friends were begging their parents for concert tickets to see the latest pop bands, I was begging mine to drive me to Winnipeg, Edmonton, Calgary and anywhere the tour of Les Mis was playing (have I ever said thank you for that Mom & Dad??!!). By the time I was in my late teens, I had probably seen the show close to 40 times.

I dreamed of being in it one day, first starting out with thinking it was Eponine I wanted to play, but as I grew and the more I took in of the show, I KNEW it was Fantine that was my dream role. Throughout my career I have waited, patiently, for the chance to come along. I have had moments of it being so close and it slipping away, which was heart wrenching for me, but I am a true believer that all things in my career happen for a reason. I have come to know that whenever I “lose out” on getting a role I really wanted at some point, it just means that the better production “for me” is coming down the road…and so I waited. When I got the offer from WCT, it was a surprise. I knew nothing of the coming production and I received the offer from Daryl and Marek over email while I was standing at a bus stop. I screamed….out loud…in front of strangers. I managed to pull it together for the ride home, but once I got home and tried to tell my husband, I was a mess of tears and laughter.  I don’t think he totally understood why I was reacting the way I was (I may have even scared him a little), but perhaps once he sees the show, he’ll get it.

This is my dream come true. Tonight I open the most beautiful show with the most perfectly realized cast and creative team, with a company that has brought it to life with such integrity that I am in awe. I am truly proud and honoured to be here…playing Fantine….in Les Mis (as I said before, LES freakin’ MIS!!) I feel blessed beyond words.